In Search of Productive Reading

I spend some time (ok, much more than I should) thinking about how to work more productively - primarily, with research and writing because I feel like I don’t get as much time to do these as I really want. As a consequence, I’m a fan of colleagues such as... [Read More]

CHESS Conference

On Wednesday, I will be speaking at the Children’s Health Education Specialist Symposium in London. I’ve been asked to share some thoughts on how the use of games in the classroom can help with addressing ‘difficult’ topics. I’m excited to be able to share some ideas and to get some... [Read More]

Development of cards for "Persuasion"

Having tried the basic game out a few times now the next move seemed to be to develop some new cards. There were two main reasons for wanting to do this. Firstly, existing cards look somewhat “rough” - or to be less polite, they were amateurish. Secondly, the existing cards... [Read More]